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Legal Disclaimers

Recommended Use

We suggest taking a Good Morning Pill™ with a morning meal to receive the benefits throughout the morning and into the afternoon.  For consumers that are used to caffeine, we suggest taking an additional Good Morning Pill™ with lunch or as needed. Use the Good Morning Pill in the same way that you use energy drinks, energy shots, or coffee. It is not recommended to take pills closer than 6 hours before bedtime, or take more than 3 pills in one day.

Like all dietary supplements, including vitamins, these products are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease. You should always seek the advice of your primary physician before starting any diet or exercise program.

Product questions and support:


The Good Morning Pill™ is marketed by Perfect Day Nutrition, LLC.  The Good Morning Pill is manufactured in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America.  The Good Morning Pill, Good Morning Pill, Have a Good Morning and a Perfect Day, and all logos are trademarks of Perfect Day Nutrition, LLC. The Good Morning Pill, Good Morning Pill, Have a Good Morning and a Perfect Day, and all logos are trademarks of Perfect Day Nutrition, LLC.